CASUAL CULTURE - Comfort and Security over everything

Who knew that attending a Zoom meeting in your pajamas to discuss important business matters will become the new normal? Even News Anchors across the globe have converted their studies, kitchens, and dens into makeshift offices. On top of that, the bonus is that all you are required to sport is a nice top and a somewhat presentable face. It feels like a Sunday for an everyday moment. 

The pandemic has impacted our lives and led to several changes, for better or worse, making 2020 a very challenging year. One of them, amongst others, was opting for comfort during lockdowns and restricted life, which led to the rise of casual culture. Considering the fear, immense stress, and limitations everyone was going through, dressing up was not a priority. Opting for something comfortable came naturally but turned into more. This terrifying past year has set priorities straight for most of us if not all.

“Fashion is a potent visual marker of our times,” says Caroline Stevenson, head of cultural and historical studies at the London College of Fashion. “Trend analysis of any given era will reveal society’s values and aspirations.” Let’s understand this quote better by considering both World Wars. Due to scarcity of resources and limited funds, luxury was not a priority, thus shifting focus towards a more practical, simple, or/and even pre-loved apparel.

We saw a similar trend unfolding during the pandemic, and fashion brands caught on. Fashion and style took a more practical turn, but there was also an added security element. Masks are now a common and crucial accessory. Many loungewear collections were launched, and masks quickly followed the lead to join the trend circle.

Dressing up to go out and be seen is no longer a priority for most. When engulfed with global turmoil, what we seek the most is comfort. There have been more purchases of sweatshirts and loungewear in 2020 than any other fashion item. Individuals even opted for thrift because it made them feel worn and cosy. It gave your mind a little ease through your physical easement. Caroline Stevenson sums it up nicely; “Clothes will become more an extension of our homes, offering comfort and reliability amidst global turbulence.”

NOTE: This article was initially published in, a lifestyle and entertainment website currently on hiatus.

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